It seems a Space Marine movie is in the works according to The Movie Blog. Codex Pictures, the studio that brought Bionicle to animated life, plans to do the same for popular tabletop game Warhammer 40,000. Computer-animated Space Marines and Orks will do battle in their own DVD movie, Ultramarines.
News of the production of a movie was unveiled at UK Games Day, the biggest event in the Games Workshop calendar, on Sunday, September 27 2009.
Follow the progress of Ultramarines at
Besides rumours to this being a straight to DVD movie, there are also rumors that it's going to be CGI only movie, like the FF series or the latest Resident Evil movie.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
Patch imminent, information => Match contents (skills problems and GUI), probably next week. Like past patches, patchnote will be avalaible near before release => matchmaking => more information after
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Log analysers and various other application tools for Blood Bowl

I am trying to limit my Blood Bowl game time until Cyanide releases a patch that addresses the disconnection issues and the exploit that has been going on around. Until then I am spending some time reading the forums. During this time I found some useful tools. Hopefully, more tools will be released in the future.
BBPC analyser: Backup and match log analyser
BB dice analyser: BB dice results analyser
BB team editor: Edit your team (I think this only works in Single Player though)
Friday, 7 August 2009
New patch for Blood Bowl - version

- Morg 'n' Thorg - a new Star Player - is available for all races!
- Bouncing ball when using Frenzy shouldn't freeze the match anymore
- Fixed a case where multiplayer invitation didn't work
- Fixed a crash when AI had no players left on field
- Fixed a memory leak in the GUI
Not many bug fixes actually, and blood bowl community (judging from the forums) was hoping a lot more.
Official patch post here.
Update: Pmcc from Cyanide posted on the forums that: 'A server maintenance will be scheduled next week to tighten up security.".
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Greek Coaches in Cyanide's Blood Bowl

I am trying to gather as many Greek coaches as I can so we can have a larger Greek Blood Bowl League. So far the Greek coaches I found are the following (a star * denotes that this coach is participating or has participated in the past in GRBBL).
* Cruces
* Korr
* Kiour_gr
* gcop33
* plutonick
Thursday, 30 July 2009
GRBBL 1, season 1, day 1- match report

Sports enthusiasts and Blood Bowl fans welcome to our first newscast of GRBBL Report. Live from the city of Mazalonia, where the first Greek Blood Bowl League is taking place, your Blood Bowl commentator Nick Pluto is there to report the progress of the Championship. The first day of the first season of the first Greek Blood Bowl league will be over as soon as the last match between Olumpiakos and The Hulks! is played. Meanwhile, the results for the rest of the matches are as follows:
Olumpiakos (Kiour_gr - Orcs) VS The Hulks! (YANNIS HATZOPOULOS - Orcs)
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces - Orcs) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick - Chaos)
0 - 2
Tryferoi UTD (Korr - Elves) VS oi psarades! (gcop33 - Elves)
4 - 1
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces - Orcs) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick - Chaos)
0 - 2
Tryferoi UTD (Korr - Elves) VS oi psarades! (gcop33 - Elves)
4 - 1
Touchdowns were scored, noses had the pleasure to get acquainted with various other limbs and we even had the honor to witness the departure of Blood Bowl players to greener pastures! It seems the first Greek Blood Bowl League championship is going to be as excited as we were promised it would be.

While we await the match report for Olumpiakos vs The Hulks!, we can briefly comment on Maza F.C. vs Zanzak, Itok, Dabu match. Chaos vs Orcs matches are always exciting as both teams try to bash each other’s brains out. All in all, it was a brutal match. The Chaos team, new at the league and still inexperienced was prepared for the worse. It’s a known fact that Chaos teams start weak at every league. However they managed to score two touch downs against the unmovable Zanzak, Itok, Dabu. No touchdowns were scored by the Orcs however they managed to persuade Chaos lineman Xenofon Papadopoulos to accept an early retirement plan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Xenofon Papadopoulos will always be remembered as the first player to die on a Greek Blood Bowl League but I am sure countless more will follow. His dead body is currently in talks with a new contract with the Necromancers team ‘Dark Sun’. Like the saying goes “In the end, Necromancer teams always get the best players”.
Chaos team, Maza F.C.’s coach and owner, Ghavlash, had the following to add (translated from the gothic dialect) “… more souvlaki. It is our strong belief that Blood Bowl matches are about the deaths, casualties and mangled bodies. Touchdowns are and should be an afterthought. We play Blood Bowl in 3D. That is “Death”, “Destruction” and “Don’t forget the Chaos”! Oeoeoe!!!”. Uh-huh, interesting.
No casualties were suffered by the Orcs but their coach is crying ‘'FOULPLAY’. We fear that “whining” (and not “winning”) is going to be an on-going attribute of the coach. Moreover Cruces, the Orcs' coach, said the following in a post-match conference “Coach Ghavlash iz ah despicabl coach. We waz sittin' close together and while the match waz almost ovah and 'e seemed preoccupied wiv blocks and the opportunity ter score, Ah overheard 'im mutterin' that the motch would be over in less than a minute. It turned out this were a tosserish plan and 'e 'ad planned on me overhearin' 'im, do wot guvnor! The chuffin' motch would be over in more than 5 minutes. He tricked me into miscalculatin' the chuffin' duration of the second bleedin' half and then scored the second touchdahn! FOULPLAY! Struth!” Well, tough luck Cruces, this is Blood Bowl.
More details after our commercial break. And do not forget. Eat Maza souvlaki! Fight dirty, eat dirty too! Maza souvlaki are proud sponsors of GRBBL!

While we await the match report for Olumpiakos vs The Hulks!, we can briefly comment on Maza F.C. vs Zanzak, Itok, Dabu match. Chaos vs Orcs matches are always exciting as both teams try to bash each other’s brains out. All in all, it was a brutal match. The Chaos team, new at the league and still inexperienced was prepared for the worse. It’s a known fact that Chaos teams start weak at every league. However they managed to score two touch downs against the unmovable Zanzak, Itok, Dabu. No touchdowns were scored by the Orcs however they managed to persuade Chaos lineman Xenofon Papadopoulos to accept an early retirement plan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Xenofon Papadopoulos will always be remembered as the first player to die on a Greek Blood Bowl League but I am sure countless more will follow. His dead body is currently in talks with a new contract with the Necromancers team ‘Dark Sun’. Like the saying goes “In the end, Necromancer teams always get the best players”.
Chaos team, Maza F.C.’s coach and owner, Ghavlash, had the following to add (translated from the gothic dialect) “… more souvlaki. It is our strong belief that Blood Bowl matches are about the deaths, casualties and mangled bodies. Touchdowns are and should be an afterthought. We play Blood Bowl in 3D. That is “Death”, “Destruction” and “Don’t forget the Chaos”! Oeoeoe!!!”. Uh-huh, interesting.
No casualties were suffered by the Orcs but their coach is crying ‘'FOULPLAY’. We fear that “whining” (and not “winning”) is going to be an on-going attribute of the coach. Moreover Cruces, the Orcs' coach, said the following in a post-match conference “Coach Ghavlash iz ah despicabl coach. We waz sittin' close together and while the match waz almost ovah and 'e seemed preoccupied wiv blocks and the opportunity ter score, Ah overheard 'im mutterin' that the motch would be over in less than a minute. It turned out this were a tosserish plan and 'e 'ad planned on me overhearin' 'im, do wot guvnor! The chuffin' motch would be over in more than 5 minutes. He tricked me into miscalculatin' the chuffin' duration of the second bleedin' half and then scored the second touchdahn! FOULPLAY! Struth!” Well, tough luck Cruces, this is Blood Bowl.
More details after our commercial break. And do not forget. Eat Maza souvlaki! Fight dirty, eat dirty too! Maza souvlaki are proud sponsors of GRBBL!
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Cyanide announces new features/content for Blood Bowl

- fix cases where corrupted savegames might occur
- fix connection issues between players
- work on the client stability
- fix disconnection exploit (game result nullifying)
Also, more things planned, especially for the multiplayer part of the game.
- more private league customizations
- matchmaking feature
- GUI overhaul
- and more surprises that will be announced in time
Also players waiting for new contents will get a surprise in a few weeks, as stated in their forums.
Monday, 27 July 2009
GRBBL I has begun!

The First Greek Blood Bowl League for Cyanide's Blood Bowl has just begun. The ceremonies were magnificent and the firework fatalities unprecedented. 6 Blood Bowl Teams have gathered for the first GRBBL, each coached by an equally experienced and blood-thirsty coach, all aspiring to finish the tournament with as many players alive as possible and as an afterthought to win the GRBBL Championship. The matches are scheduled as follows:
Season 1 Day 1
Olumpiakos (Kiour_gr) VS The Hulks! (YANNIS HATZOPOULOS)
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick)
Olumpiakos (Kiour_gr) VS The Hulks! (YANNIS HATZOPOULOS)
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick)
Tryferoi UTD (Korr) VS oi psarades! (gcop33)
The event is Sponsored by Maza Souvlakia Inc. 'Fight dirty and eat dirty too!'
Stay tuned for match reports and results. If you want to learn more about future events and participate in the upcoming GRBBL II, then follow visit this link.
Stay tuned for match reports and results. If you want to learn more about future events and participate in the upcoming GRBBL II, then follow visit this link.
Blood Bowl Comic: Killing Contract

You can check Amazon or or even to see if it's available, but I am pretty confident you can find it on torrent sites such as Demonoid, if you know what I mean. Below, find some pictures I scanned for your pleasure!
Friday, 24 July 2009
New GRBBL league (6 teams)

We are also pleased to announce that the Greeks playing Blood Bowl Digital are starting to get together. Once we get more people together we will start organizing larger leagues!
Discuss the GRBBL and direct more people there in the following forum topic: Blood Bowl Forum Topic (hosting in Greek Warhammer Forum)
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Patch finalised!

The patch is being finalized and will be available soon.
I am pretty curious about the regional public rooms. Does that mean that there is going to be a greek league? Also I am pleased that they fixed the journeyman bug which was being exploited by lots of people. There's a change log on the Blood Bowl Forums that says the patch is "coming soon," but it has already been located and posted by The Patches Scrolls and mirrored on AtomicGamer.
- Players with the Chainsaw skill can't use Frenzy nor Multiple Block
- Knocked Out players with the Secret Weapon skill are now correctly sent off by referee at the start of a drive
- Blitzing with a knocked down player now correctly uses Blitz
- Fixed characteristic increase skills not working in some case
- Casualty SPPs are now properly awarded when apothecary is used on a casualty
- Added a limited number of in-game pauses in multiplayer
- Journeymen are now added before petty cash
- Teams can hire Star Players in the open league
- Private league owner can now change results of current day's games even if games have been played
- Regional public rooms have been added in the multiplayer lobby
- A multiplayer game where one of the player disconnects at the loading screen should now be discarded
- Multisampling has been set to 1 in the option
New series of Blood Bowl Videos: Goblins
Video is here
In today’s video, the pesky Goblins invade the pitch! Showcasing their devious secret weapons and awkward techniques, they show you how a team that doesn’t seem to be made for winning may still score, win a match and, in some rare cases, make it out alive!
Nothing special, just in-game footage.
In today’s video, the pesky Goblins invade the pitch! Showcasing their devious secret weapons and awkward techniques, they show you how a team that doesn’t seem to be made for winning may still score, win a match and, in some rare cases, make it out alive!
Nothing special, just in-game footage.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Gathering Greek players of Blood Bowl Digital
We are testing the league system of Blood Bowl Digital as we speak, having created a 'dummy' GRBBL with 4 players. Seems to be working OK so far.
As soon as we gather a few more people we are ready to start the first official Greek Blood Bowl League (GRBBL) on Blood Bowl Digital. We are all excited. We are trying to get our friends to buy the game and also doing some advertising of the game on greek wargaming/pc gaming sites.
So far the greek players participating in the GRBBL are:
Leave a comment if you reach this page somehow and are interested in joining the GRBBL!
As soon as we gather a few more people we are ready to start the first official Greek Blood Bowl League (GRBBL) on Blood Bowl Digital. We are all excited. We are trying to get our friends to buy the game and also doing some advertising of the game on greek wargaming/pc gaming sites.
So far the greek players participating in the GRBBL are:
Leave a comment if you reach this page somehow and are interested in joining the GRBBL!
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