Wednesday 22 July 2009

Patch finalised!

The patch is being finalized and will be available soon.

I am pretty curious about the regional public rooms. Does that mean that there is going to be a greek league? Also I am pleased that they fixed the journeyman bug which was being exploited by lots of people. There's a change log on the Blood Bowl Forums that says the patch is "coming soon," but it has already been located and posted by The Patches Scrolls and mirrored on AtomicGamer.


- Players with the Chainsaw skill can't use Frenzy nor Multiple Block
- Knocked Out players with the Secret Weapon skill are now correctly sent off by referee at the start of a drive
- Blitzing with a knocked down player now correctly uses Blitz
- Fixed characteristic increase skills not working in some case
- Casualty SPPs are now properly awarded when apothecary is used on a casualty
- Added a limited number of in-game pauses in multiplayer
- Journeymen are now added before petty cash
- Teams can hire Star Players in the open league
- Private league owner can now change results of current day's games even if games have been played
- Regional public rooms have been added in the multiplayer lobby
- A multiplayer game where one of the player disconnects at the loading screen should now be discarded
- Multisampling has been set to 1 in the option

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