Sunday, 9 August 2009

Log analysers and various other application tools for Blood Bowl

I am trying to limit my Blood Bowl game time until Cyanide releases a patch that addresses the disconnection issues and the exploit that has been going on around. Until then I am spending some time reading the forums. During this time I found some useful tools. Hopefully, more tools will be released in the future.

BBPC analyser: Backup and match log analyser
BB dice analyser: BB dice results analyser
BB team editor: Edit your team (I think this only works in Single Player though)

Friday, 7 August 2009

New patch for Blood Bowl - version

Patch notes for patch - August 6:

- Morg 'n' Thorg - a new Star Player - is available for all races!
- Bouncing ball when using Frenzy shouldn't freeze the match anymore
- Fixed a case where multiplayer invitation didn't work
- Fixed a crash when AI had no players left on field
- Fixed a memory leak in the GUI

Not many bug fixes actually, and blood bowl community (judging from the forums) was hoping a lot more.

Official patch post here.

Update: Pmcc from Cyanide posted on the forums that: 'A server maintenance will be scheduled next week to tighten up security.".

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Greek Coaches in Cyanide's Blood Bowl

I am trying to gather as many Greek coaches as I can so we can have a larger Greek Blood Bowl League. So far the Greek coaches I found are the following (a star * denotes that this coach is participating or has participated in the past in GRBBL).

* Cruces
* Korr
* Kiour_gr
* gcop33
* plutonick