Sports enthusiasts and Blood Bowl fans welcome to our first newscast of GRBBL Report. Live from the city of Mazalonia, where the first Greek Blood Bowl League is taking place, your Blood Bowl commentator Nick Pluto is there to report the progress of the Championship. The first day of the first season of the first Greek Blood Bowl league will be over as soon as the last match between Olumpiakos and The Hulks! is played. Meanwhile, the results for the rest of the matches are as follows:
Olumpiakos (Kiour_gr - Orcs) VS The Hulks! (YANNIS HATZOPOULOS - Orcs)
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces - Orcs) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick - Chaos)
0 - 2
Tryferoi UTD (Korr - Elves) VS oi psarades! (gcop33 - Elves)
4 - 1
Zanzak, Itok, Dabu (Cruces - Orcs) VS Maza F.C. (plutonick - Chaos)
0 - 2
Tryferoi UTD (Korr - Elves) VS oi psarades! (gcop33 - Elves)
4 - 1
Touchdowns were scored, noses had the pleasure to get acquainted with various other limbs and we even had the honor to witness the departure of Blood Bowl players to greener pastures! It seems the first Greek Blood Bowl League championship is going to be as excited as we were promised it would be.

While we await the match report for Olumpiakos vs The Hulks!, we can briefly comment on Maza F.C. vs Zanzak, Itok, Dabu match. Chaos vs Orcs matches are always exciting as both teams try to bash each other’s brains out. All in all, it was a brutal match. The Chaos team, new at the league and still inexperienced was prepared for the worse. It’s a known fact that Chaos teams start weak at every league. However they managed to score two touch downs against the unmovable Zanzak, Itok, Dabu. No touchdowns were scored by the Orcs however they managed to persuade Chaos lineman Xenofon Papadopoulos to accept an early retirement plan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Xenofon Papadopoulos will always be remembered as the first player to die on a Greek Blood Bowl League but I am sure countless more will follow. His dead body is currently in talks with a new contract with the Necromancers team ‘Dark Sun’. Like the saying goes “In the end, Necromancer teams always get the best players”.
Chaos team, Maza F.C.’s coach and owner, Ghavlash, had the following to add (translated from the gothic dialect) “… more souvlaki. It is our strong belief that Blood Bowl matches are about the deaths, casualties and mangled bodies. Touchdowns are and should be an afterthought. We play Blood Bowl in 3D. That is “Death”, “Destruction” and “Don’t forget the Chaos”! Oeoeoe!!!”. Uh-huh, interesting.
No casualties were suffered by the Orcs but their coach is crying ‘'FOULPLAY’. We fear that “whining” (and not “winning”) is going to be an on-going attribute of the coach. Moreover Cruces, the Orcs' coach, said the following in a post-match conference “Coach Ghavlash iz ah despicabl coach. We waz sittin' close together and while the match waz almost ovah and 'e seemed preoccupied wiv blocks and the opportunity ter score, Ah overheard 'im mutterin' that the motch would be over in less than a minute. It turned out this were a tosserish plan and 'e 'ad planned on me overhearin' 'im, do wot guvnor! The chuffin' motch would be over in more than 5 minutes. He tricked me into miscalculatin' the chuffin' duration of the second bleedin' half and then scored the second touchdahn! FOULPLAY! Struth!” Well, tough luck Cruces, this is Blood Bowl.
More details after our commercial break. And do not forget. Eat Maza souvlaki! Fight dirty, eat dirty too! Maza souvlaki are proud sponsors of GRBBL!

While we await the match report for Olumpiakos vs The Hulks!, we can briefly comment on Maza F.C. vs Zanzak, Itok, Dabu match. Chaos vs Orcs matches are always exciting as both teams try to bash each other’s brains out. All in all, it was a brutal match. The Chaos team, new at the league and still inexperienced was prepared for the worse. It’s a known fact that Chaos teams start weak at every league. However they managed to score two touch downs against the unmovable Zanzak, Itok, Dabu. No touchdowns were scored by the Orcs however they managed to persuade Chaos lineman Xenofon Papadopoulos to accept an early retirement plan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Xenofon Papadopoulos will always be remembered as the first player to die on a Greek Blood Bowl League but I am sure countless more will follow. His dead body is currently in talks with a new contract with the Necromancers team ‘Dark Sun’. Like the saying goes “In the end, Necromancer teams always get the best players”.
Chaos team, Maza F.C.’s coach and owner, Ghavlash, had the following to add (translated from the gothic dialect) “… more souvlaki. It is our strong belief that Blood Bowl matches are about the deaths, casualties and mangled bodies. Touchdowns are and should be an afterthought. We play Blood Bowl in 3D. That is “Death”, “Destruction” and “Don’t forget the Chaos”! Oeoeoe!!!”. Uh-huh, interesting.
No casualties were suffered by the Orcs but their coach is crying ‘'FOULPLAY’. We fear that “whining” (and not “winning”) is going to be an on-going attribute of the coach. Moreover Cruces, the Orcs' coach, said the following in a post-match conference “Coach Ghavlash iz ah despicabl coach. We waz sittin' close together and while the match waz almost ovah and 'e seemed preoccupied wiv blocks and the opportunity ter score, Ah overheard 'im mutterin' that the motch would be over in less than a minute. It turned out this were a tosserish plan and 'e 'ad planned on me overhearin' 'im, do wot guvnor! The chuffin' motch would be over in more than 5 minutes. He tricked me into miscalculatin' the chuffin' duration of the second bleedin' half and then scored the second touchdahn! FOULPLAY! Struth!” Well, tough luck Cruces, this is Blood Bowl.
More details after our commercial break. And do not forget. Eat Maza souvlaki! Fight dirty, eat dirty too! Maza souvlaki are proud sponsors of GRBBL!